Elemental Bag - Fire

Elemental Bag - Fire



passion | love | courage

cleansing, clarity, growth, regeneration, peace, vitality

Fill your home with the exotic scent of resins, woods and wild botanicals. Your incense blend is ready to alight. 

Included in our basic incense bag is 1 elemental blend, 1 packet of charcoal discs and is packaged in a handmade eco fibre bag.

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Our basic incense bag is a thoughtful gesture for gift giving to lovers of natural incense.

Ignite flames of inspiration with this tribal blend of wild tree resin, sage and berries. 

Let loving fire expand and warm your heart’s wisdom, invoke your energy and clear a new path. This luminous blend will rekindle your imagination, celebrate and awaken your senses and surrender you to your bliss.

Made with love and Persian Frankincense, Australian sandalwood, bassy notes of red myrrh, Californian sage, sweet grass, cumin, pearl copal, juniper and clove.

Instructions are included.


Sea Goddess Fire Element