Elemental Bag - Air

Elemental Bag - Air



clarity | communication | prosperity

versatility, freedom, intellectualism/conceptualization, boundaries, balance, movement, gentleness, connection, truth

Fill your home with the exotic scent of resins, woods and wild botanicals. Your incense blend is ready to alight. 

Included in our basic incense bag is 1 elemental blend, 1 packet of charcoal discs and is packaged in a handmade eco fibre bag.

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Our basic incense bag is a thoughtful gesture for gift giving to lovers of natural incense.

Shift from head to heart as you inhale this woodland canopy of fragrant pine and wild grass tree resin.

Listen to your inner voice and surrender to the winds of change, remembering that there is always more to the world than we see. This clearing blend will support you to reconnect with your flow, to create space, and to illuminate new ideas and expansive possibilities.


Deep ruby Australian Xanthorrhoea resin, Golden Copal, Arabian Frankincense, Australian Huon Pine, Juniper Sage, Vetiver, Cedarwood and Cinnamon

Instructions are included.


Sea Goddess Air Element